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发布时间:2022-07-13 浏览量:2832
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张丛春博士 副教授,博士生导师


2007年获上海市优秀青年教师后备人选,2008年获上海交通大学晨星青年学者奖励计划一等奖,2011年至2012年国家公派赴美国哥伦比亚大学访问交流。先后主持承担国家重点研发计划,基础加强计划项目、民机专项、国家“863”、国家自然科学基金、十二五国家02重大专项、上海市纳米专项及国际合作研究项目等国家和省部级项目。科研成果获2016年度上海市技术发明奖一等奖。相关研究成果在国际著名期刊和会议上(IEEE MEMS, Transducers)发表学术论文80余篇,申请发明专利20多项。目前为Micro and Nanosystems、Advances in materials国际学术期刊编委。Sensors and Actuator A, Applied surface scicence、Surface and coatings technology、thin solid films等期刊的审稿人。








Congchun Zhang, and Jianze Huang, etc., Textured BST Thin Film on Silicon Substrate: Preparation and Its Applications for High Frequency Tunable Devices, Chapter 12 of Coatings and Thin Film Technologies, Ed. Jaime Andres Perez-Taborda and Alba G. Avila Bernal, InTech Press, pp. 241-258, Print ISBN 978-1-78984-870-0.


1、Jianze Huang, Yang Liu, Zhiyong Tang, Xiufeng Shao, and Congchun Zhang*, A Polymer-Based Microfluidic Sensor for Biochemical Detection, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2020(20):6270-6276

2、Shenyong Yang, Hongfang Li, Xingkai Lin, Jinyuan Yao, Zhouqing Yang, Congchun Zhang*,Hong Wang, Guifu Ding*, Effect of Al2O3/Al bilayer protective coatings on the high-temperature stability of PdCr thin film strain gages,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (2018),759:1-7

3、Yanlei Wang; Congchun Zhang*; Juan Li; Guifu Ding; Li Duan, Fabrication and characterization of ITO thin film resistance temperature detector, Vacuum, 2017, v140, p121-125

4、Yanlei Wang, Congchun Zhang*, Di Niu, Guifu Ding, Li Duan, High temperature sensors fabricated on Al2O3 ceramic and nickel-based superalloy substrates, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A,2016,247:75-82

5、Xingkai Lin,Congchun Zhang*, Shenyong Yang, The impact of thermal annealing on the temperature dependent resistance behavior of Pt thin films sputtered on Si and Al2O3 substrates, Thin Solid Films,2019,685:372-378 DOI:10.1016/j.tsf.2019.06.036

6、Shenyong Yang, Congchun Zhang*, Zhouqing Yang, Hong Wang, Guifu Ding, Effect of nitrogen doping temperature on the resistance stability of ITO thin films,2019,778:90-96 DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.11.126

7、Shenyong Yang, Congchun Zhang*, Xinyue Chang, Jianze Huang, et al,Effect of heat treatment atmosphere on the piezoresistivity of indium tin oxide ceramic strain sensor, Available online 24 May 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2019.05.256

8、Niu, Di; Wang, Qiang; Zhang Congchun*; Cheng, Ping; Wang, Yanlei; Zhang, Jiubin; Ding, Guifu; Preparation, characterization and application of high-temperature Al2O3 insulating film, SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, v 271, p 318-324, APR 15, 2016